Certification exam simulations

Our exam simulations are designed to replicate the actual certification exam situation, helping you build confidence and prepare effectively. Each simulation dynamically compiles a fresh set of questions from our extensive question base, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the learning objectives. 

You have the flexibility to choose between two modes: 

  • Immediate Feedback Mode: Receive instant feedback after each question, allowing you to understand your strengths and areas for improvement as you progress.
  • Exam Mode: Complete the entire simulation within the time defined by the examination institute and receive your results at the end, simulating the actual test-taking experience. 

The detailed feedback provided for each question is one of the key features. It includes a reference to the corresponding chapter reference literature, enabling targeted review and deeper understanding of the material. 

Thanks to the scores displayed in percentage, learners may estimate their level of knowledge. They can also view their results for each tentative; comparing those results allows them to identify the level of progression they have attained. These exam simulations ensure that you are well-prepared for the exam and fully understand the rationale behind the correct answers. 

For any questions, contact us at info@processcentric.ch